Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tony Robbins - Do you know who he is?

Finals are coming, which means I'm not ready to dedicate sufficient time to socializing and/or blogging, so today I'm leaving you with some great quotes I found on the Internet. I'm definitely going to check this guy, Tony Robbins, out and let you know if I find him useful. For now, wish me luck with my grades!

“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”

“Our beliefs about ourselves are among the strongest forces that shape our lives. We will always act consistent with our view of who we truly are – whether that view is accurate or not. In other words, the strongest force in human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we define ourselves.”

“The balance in life is between satisfaction and dissatisfaction and between fulfillment and drive. The ideal state is to be happy and driven, where you have enough satisfaction to enjoy where you are (who you’ve become, what your life is like, the process you’re in) and feel enough dissatisfaction to want more, to feel the drive to grow and contribute.”

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