Monday, December 27, 2010

Who Pays on Dates?

I've been wonder if I should be paying for myself on dates. I love guys who are gentlemen and open doors for you, take care of the check, hold your coat, etc. The last think I want, though, is to make a great guy feel used because of it, and you really don't know if the guy you are on a date with is a great guy until later on. The good thing is in my college there are plenty of rich boys. They just put it all on a credit card and their parents deal with the expenses.

I also don't want to end up with a cheap guy or with a guy who doesn't think I'm worth spending money on. I've learned growing up that the people who truly care about you share their money with you, even if that means they'd go without. I don't expect sacrifices from guys right away, but it's reasonable to at least get them to pay for me on our first date.

My Mom says you can track the progress of the relationship by whether or not the guy spends money on you. If he used to pay for stuff and now he is hesitant that means he is starting to question the value of being with you. She also says you should let the guy pay 60-70% of the time and you should pay the rest. This way you make sure he wants to be with you and is not just there for the convenience. What about equal rights? Mom says that for every dollar a man makes, a woman doing exactly the same job makes 65 cents. It's not fair for women to be exposed to sexism either but they are.

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