Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Dukan Diet - Day 4

This a summary of the first 4 days of my experience with the Dukan Diet. I should be on it until Christmas, so I can look hot for the New Year's party. I hope this is helpful for you, who are reading my blog, as well.

First let me make something clear, I do not do hunger. Hunger is the enemy. Hunger turns me into the "bitch from hell." Those people who can do 2-week fasts on water and lemon juice, that's way past my competence. That looks like some New Age mind-over-matter achievement to me. What I normally do is eat whatever I want whenever I want and expect to lose weight. It's proven that my body loses weight when I skip dinner, but I simply cannot skip dinner regularly, my body goes insane.

That being said, I decided to try the Dukan Diet, the high protein/low carb/low fat diet that brings you results yesterday. I have one dress size to lose, from 8 back to my usual 6. I had tried more cardio, walking briskly for an hour every day, eating light dinners, trying the apple cider vinegar trick. I suspect I increased my food consumption or started to build muscle, because the results were simply non-existent. It was clear that either I had to fit in my regular clothes or had buy a whole new wardrobe, and most importantly admit defeat. Oh, hell no! I have lost a battle... or two... but I shall win the war.

After the long intro, let me share with you the most important part. I only ate meat, eggs, turkey hot dogs with mustard, decaf or regular coffee with 2% milk (no more than 250ml per day total), Nektar protein shakes (they are the tastiest and have no carbs), sugar-free jello, and a high fiber drink (very important to speed up your intestines while on a diet).

Amazingly, I wasn't hungry at all the first day. I ate less than 1200 cal. I felt a little weak in the afternoon and for those of you who drink coffee, you will need to spend the afternoon at Starbucks or sleep half the day. I recently cut down to 1 cup a day, so I just took my vitamins and a protein shake and tried to relax. I had problems falling asleep, but Melatonin saved the night. I had bought it for my upcoming trip to Europe (it's great against jet lag), but it came in very handy last night. I have friends who swear by it and they were right. I woke up refreshed, happy, and very proud of myself for making it through day 1 of the Dukan Diet.

The second day, I was a little fed up with all the protein. There were cherries and strawberries all over the place. I wasn’t happy about all the meat I don’t even like eating. I didn’t complain when I was packing on the lbs, though, so I better suck it up. The good thing was I wasn’t hungry.

The third day was successful. No hunger but experienced low energy. I spent the first part of the day eating grilled chicken breast. I had some yogurt for dinner and it felt good. I bought miso soup with tofu (5g of carbs and 45 cal) and really liked it. The Nektar protein shakes are a blessing. They taste like fruit juice but have 0 carbs. I can only imagine the chemicals that are in it to make it that tasty. Oh, well...

Today has been going well. I'm sticking with the diet today too. I'm not trying any clothes yet but will soon. I don't want to jinx it :) Cross your fingers!

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