Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dress Up As Ivanka Trump!

Maybe I should acquaint you with some of my friends. For now, with Jill's love obsession, Alex, a handsome guy, not my type really. I think the only reason Jill is obsessed with him is because she hasn't slept with him yet. I saw them kissing at the Halloween party of the theater department, so I don't know what's going on. Mike says Alex is a player and he sees him with a different girl all the time. Anyway...

I met a girl with a similar name to mine, Vienna. It's not common to find somebody named after a European capital,  but it's so cool. Vienna's roommate, Jordan, was dressed as Eve. I went to her and told her how awesome she looked. She said, "I feel naked. And I wish guys would stop staring at my boobs." I wish I had her problems :)

Here comes the interesting part. Mike was sitting with a bunch of other people drinking rum. That's what pirates drink and since he was dressed as a sloppy pirate shopping at Abercrombie, he had to drink rum too. I didn't have to act like myself either. Dressed as a dark angel, hanging out with people dressed as something other than themselves, and having the excuse of "I don't remember. I was too drunk." allowed me to do whatever I wanted and get away with it. Mike sat on the floor in a somewhat dark spot of the room. I sat next to him and said, "Let's kiss." Then before he had time to answer I kissed him. I don't even remember what it felt like. I was just so proud of myself for having the guts to take the initiative. You can say I was dressed up as Ivanka Trump simply because I owned the party :)

I want to do more things that challenge me and push me out of my comfort zone. I love the adrenaline rush.

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