Friday, November 19, 2010

How Do You Handle Annoying People?

I come home today after a final and what do I see? My Terra chips and diet Pepsi are gone and my pillow is on the floor. Jill is like, "Oh, Alex was here. I'll buy you more when I get to the store." Coming from her that means never. OK, the random guys she would bring over at least didn't sit in my bed and eat my food. It's just chips and pepsi, but if I let it go without saying anything it will be worse next time. I yelled at her, pushed her pillow on the floor and stepped on it. "Keep your pretty boy's hands off my stuff!" Was that a bit too much? I'm not sure :(

Mike and I are getting together tomorrow to study Archaeology tomorrow. I also have to find time for Vienna. I like her and don't want to be one of those girls who ditches her girlfriends whenever there is a guy around.

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