Friday, January 21, 2011

Fraternity Initiation Rites - Hazing

Why do guys take pride in being able to drink a lot without getting drunk? When otherwise intelligent people start looking down on each other based on alcohol tolerance, I just have to laugh. I have a feeling it has something to do with our need for significance. Some people would just use anything, no matter how retarded it is, as an arbitrary criterion to feel superior to others. My college overall has highly intelligent guys who use their brains and think, but I've heard horror stories about other places. Why is it so important to treat others with utter disrespect and build up your ego through control and humiliation? It's scary that all the frat boys look so decent and normal and yet, I have to wonder if they were in one of those hazing-prone fraternities, would they be just as bad. Here are some stories...

"You make the pledges do a work call (or a extended period of house work, for people unfamiliar), one that starts at about 10 or midnight. So you have them clean the house, scrub the floors with toothbrushes, etc etc, everything but the bathrooms. Then you call them all together at about 5am, tell them they've done a good job, and explain to them you're buying breakfast. They'll be relieved and excited about this, they probably think you're proud of them and that the work is over, plus they are probably hungry. Get all the food ready or whatnot, show it to them, and tell them they get to eat in 30 minutes when the bathrooms are spotless. Finally, about 5 minutes before their time is up, tell them to clean faster and better, seeing as their gonna be eating their mcdonalds breakfast off the floor behind the toilet they're currently cleaning. Then you make them do it, of course."

"They bragged about one of their chapter traditions they thought was really funny in addition to being useful in disciplining the pledge class.
"Every rush we make a point of pledging one marginal guy who shouldn't be here," they said. "He's the sacrifice, the example. At some point usually around the end of the semester we'll blackball him and scare hell out of the pledges. It really shapes them up."

"Pledges strip down to their boxers and sit indian style against a wall. Then an industrial-size fan is brought in and turned on. Brothers tear up pieces of insulation and run it through the back of the fan. Fiberglass in skin. Its a story i heard....dont know if its actually true but the source was very trustworthy and that certain chapter had a "hardcore" reputation."

Here's what some people have learned while trying to deal with hazing...

*don’t be afraid to get advice
*Stick to your commitments. People will respect you. 

*Value your friends and pick them carefully.
*Trust and confide in your parents, mine were great.
*Don't get yourself into things you don't want to go through with.
*Make the best of bad situations. 

*Finally, you can survive almost anything .

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