Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I feel like I live with Carmen Electra

My rommate's parties intimidate me. I'm half European, so I got drunk for the first time at 15. Been there done that. I admit drunk people freak me out, though, and I hate losing control. Jill has no problem being out-of-it. Once I caught her changing the sheets of her bed at 6 am, because she had thrown up in it after going to bed wasted. She is proud she has tried every popular drug. We have... how should I call it... a value conflict here. My parents repeated to me over and over again when I was little that people who do drugs are "no good."

I asked my roommate what her parents had told her on the subject and it turned out she practically had no parents. Her grandmother raised her. Her dad abandoned her when she was 2 and her mom was never home working in Las Vegas and L.A. to make money. I feel bad for Jill. In my Mom's country, it's perfectly normal for the grandparents to be very hands-on with the grandkids, but to have a father who's abandoned you is almost unheard of. What kind of jerk abandons his own flesh and blood, his God given purpose in life? I hope Jill spits in his face if she ever sees him again. I think my parents were a bit extreme in their judgment to scare me and keep me away from drugs. It's amazing that Jill's grandmother and somewhat her mother raised her alone and made sure she went to such a great college like ours. Despite her wild side, Jill's probably really smart. I had to live with her after my ex future roommate decided to live off campus right before it was time to figure out housing.

Halloween is coming up. What should I dress up as?

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