Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Acting 101 - Uta Hagen's Exercises

2-3 minutes exercise should be 1-2 hour rehearsal

Telephone conversation
Test how your attention goes out to the 4th side. 4th side - what the actors are looking at. Markers piked out, it's freeing to look at something. The audience can disappear.

Changes of self
People are capable of behaving in very different ways. When am I arrogant, stupid, funny, angry, smitten, irritable? You don't pretend to be someone else, you find the character persona within you.

Immediacy - Looking for lost item
1. The hunting, the expectation of possibly finding it somewhere.
2. Dealing with the problems of anticipation while searching for something lost or mislaid.

Imagine inner item w/a subconscious activity
ie. you button your jacket while thinking about groceries and in your mind your thinking about/visualizing the grocery store - the shelves.

Conditioning Forces - Endowment
Recreating physical sensations. An endowed reality (ie. Hot iron w/steam, dangerous, distracint. Use fake steam, A dull knife, hot water/pot)
1. Endow a physical sensation. Body is wet or clothes are all wet.
2. Sensation of having to pee
3. Drunkenness - Key is to isolate a part of the body that is out of control and you struggle against that w/your arms or your head. You don't stumble out of control your body parts struggle to stay in control because things give out. Your knees give yout, your head flops over. You struggle to over come it. When sitting, it's the head, elbow and hands that struggle. The eyes try and focus on an object, the head and hands struggle to go there w/too much weight. It's an attempt at normalcy.
4. Conditions - wet, looking, crawling, night-time or very low light, hard to walk, walk in sand, injury.

The ultimate test. Fidgets, looking around, meandering, inner objects, lack of activity to fiddle w/objects.

Three Entrances
Preparation and its influence on the entrance.

The 4th Wall
The guarantee of privacy while using, not ignoring, the visual area of the audience.

Talking to yourself
• When we talk to ourselves we usually are unaware of it and we are also usually preoccupied w/an activity
• For every monologue ask yourself, what wouldI do here if I wasn't talking? What behavior?
• Try acting a scene out without the dialog.
• Don't stick to a mask. What's going on underneath? People never say what they mean. Don't play the part (mask) too well. Show what's underneath the surface.
• We talk to ourselves to regain control.
• Don't demand immediate horror, let discovery happen
• We laugh when we recognize ourselves
• When the actor tries to be funny or thinks they're funny, then they stop being funny
• Don't discuss a scene too much

Talking to an audience - Inner Monologue
• Eyes locked to targets above audience
• Find your place, grounding
• Interaction between 2 people who are smitten, they steal glances.
• Actor who is so pent up that it's hard for them to be grounded is a born actor and needs to be on stage all the time.

Simple task in historical costume and setting
1. The costume can pull out a character. A hat, shirt
2. Actions will be because of reasons. (ie. Victorians wore corsets and thus sat up straight)
3. Fashion and social morals are the only things that have changed in humans
4. Does the actor love the character
5. Staggar conditions exercise
1. Do you really understand the scene?
2. When you send the action how does one receive? Don't overpractice the receiving.
3. See what you see and react to it. Hear what you hear and react to it.

1. Your relationship to space and nature
2. Finding forward-moving occupation without the help of furniture and props.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Happened With Luis?

Were you about to start emailing me to find out if I asked Luis out? I actually did. Did you expect that? I hope so and you should be proud of me ;o) I told him I was going out with Vienna and TJ and would love to go with somebody to avoid being the third wheel. He was nodding understandingly, and then I asked if he wanted to join us. "I'd love to. I don't have anything planned for Sat night." Wow, I can't believe he actually said that. He had no plans? Most guys (and girls like me) would never admit they have no Sat night date. Apparently what Vienna said was true, good-looking guys simply don't need the games the rest of us play to appear more desirable. I checked his FB profile. He hadn't filled in his Relationship Status. Is he embarrassed to say he is single or is there somebody he doesn't want the world to know about? Jill thinks I'm being paranoid, but just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

Vienna looked shocked to see Luis instead of Mike and so did JT. The whole double date was a blur except for a couple of moments that stood out. Luis put his hand on my back and said that the girls in our Theater class were not very pretty or interesting except for me. The second moment was when a girl with triple D's passed by and JT almost stuck his tongue out and started drooling like a dog. Vienna seemed embarrassed and so were we. I was proud of Luis for sparing me the humiliation. He is so awesome!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Losing Weight and Gaining Courage

No news on Luis, don't pressure me please! Today is my last chance to see him and ask him out. I bet he'd think I'm retarded for asking him for notes when I'm in class every time. A goal is a goal, though. I should teach my mind to take goals seriously. So, I'm definitely going for it today. Maybe I should have some liquor before going to class to loosen up.

Apart from that, my Mom sent me several kinds of green tea. My favorite one are Yogi Green Tea Kambucha and Yogi Green Tea Goji Berry. They are so wonderfully aromatic. Here's some information I found on why drinking green tea is great for your body.

1. Green tea is a superb fat fighter. Its active ingredient, EGCG, increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body.
2. It targets belly fat. Research at Tufts University indicates that EGCG in green tea, like other catechins, activate fat-burning genes in the abdomen to speed weight loss by 77 percent.
3. Green tea keeps energy stable by balancing blood sugar levels. EGCG improves insulin use in the body to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can result in fatigue, irritability, and cravings for unhealthy foods.
4. Research shows it may be helpful against lung cancer. In an April 2010 study published in Cancer Prevention Research, EGCG was found to suppress lung cancer cell growth.
5. Green tea may halt colorectal cancer. In numerous other studies, EGCG appears to inhibit colorectal cancers.
6. In research, it appears to cause prostate cancer cells to commit suicide. A March 2010 study in Cancer Science indicated that EGCG aids the body by causing prostate cancer cells to commit suicide.
7. Green tea may prevent skin damage and wrinkling. EGCG appears to be 200 times more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. Free radicals react with healthy cells in the body, causing damage, so lessening their numbers may help reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging.
8. It contains a potent antioxidant that kills free radicals. Because it is a potent antioxidant green tea can positively impact a lot more than skin cells. Free radicals are increasingly linked to many serious chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
9. Green tea tastes good. If you’re not wild about the flavor, try a few different kinds. Try it iced or hot. Add some of the natural herb stevia to sweeten it if you want a sweeter drink. I wasn’t crazy about green tea the first few times I tried it, but now I love it with a fresh squeeze of lemon and a few drops of stevia over ice — et voila! Green tea lemonade. Mmmmm.
Reap the rewards
Add one or two teaspoons of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water, preferably in a tea strainer. Let steep for five minutes. Pour over ice if you prefer a cold beverage. Most experts recommend three cups daily. And, don’t worry, green tea contains a lot less caffeine than coffee or black tea.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Asking Him Out

I almost did it. I almost asked Luis out. I went to him, started to talking, and then I simply couldn't bring it up. FB may help but then he may show my message to everybody and make fun of me. I doubt he'd do something like that but the thought of public humiliation freaks me out. I'd love to just forget it all but a goal is a goal and is there for me to learn something. I think that if Luis didn't matter much to me, it would be much easier for me to approach him but now the stakes are too high.

I asked Alex what to do but didn't get anything useful, "He must be a player," "Let him do all the work to make sure he is serious." Come on, Alex! I'm trying to get a date, not marry the guy. Who says I want him forever, OMG!

Jill had an idea and I'm going with it. Ask him for his notes from the class and go pick them up at his dorm. Brilliant! If my brain didn't turn into mush under the mere thought of Luis, I could've come up with it by myself, right?